Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Timing is Everything

Some people say that timing is everything, especially when it comes to comedy. My friend Nicole will agree since she's the funniest person I know. Keith also agrees, he just doesn't practice it.

As I've learned today, timing also applies to weddings...

Exhibit A - I had a cold sore 2 weeks AFTER my wedding. Perfect timing.

Then today, I was going to hop in the shower, decided to spend a minute plucking and trimming my eyebrows. I don't have enough hair on my head, but when it comes to my eyebrows, it's a never ending battle to avoid the Dukakis look...not to mention the uni-brow. So, I bust out the new trimmer, I set the length to #2. I turn it on, it's buzzing away, I press it to my head and while I'm zooming it across my right eyebrow, the damn clicker slips and slides the length down to ZERO. Now I have one eyebrow that almost doesn't exist.

Again, I say it's all in the timing. The cold sore, eyebrow gate, both could have happened right before the wedding. I would have been paying the photographer to add eyebrows and chop a pound off my lip, not to mention I wouldn't have been able to kiss the bride.

I feel lucky. Hairless....but lucky.

1 comment:

Bellacantare said...

Please take a photo of your one eyebrow face and post it. We're all about keeping it real here.